| | |  | | | SOLANO COUNTY PUBLIC ACCESS TO PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION POLICY AND COMPLAINT PROCEDURE POLICY | ![]() | POLICY | Solano County is committed to complying with the provisions outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act regarding barrier free access to all County programs, services and activities. Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities by public entities in the operation of all services and programs offered by the entity. It is the policy of Solano County that all facilities, programs and services be accessible to and usable by disabled individuals, unless providing access results in an undue hardship to the County or causes a fundamental alteration of the programs or services. It is also the County's policy that members of the public not experience discrimination or harassment based upon disability. All complaints of discrimination on the basis of disability will be promptly investigated. When appropriate, effective remedial action will be taken to address and remedy any complaints. | ![]() | YOUR RIGHTS UNDER TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT | The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") was signed into law on July 26, 1990 and became effective July 26, 1992. The purpose of the ADA is to ensure that people with disabilities are afforded the same rights and privileges as non-disabled people. The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, state and local government services and public accommodation and commercial facilities. | ![]() | REQUESTS FOR REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION | Individuals who are disabled may request reasonable accommodation to assist the individual in accessing County facilities, programs or services. An individual is considered a person with a disability if he or she has: 1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or 2) having a record of such an impairment; or 3) being regarded as having such an impairment. Major life activities include, but are not limited to, functions such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. Examples of auxiliary aids or services which may be provided as a reasonable accommodation include, but are not limited to: extra staff assistance, readers, interpreters, assistive listening devices, TDD/TTY machines, electronic mail, audio tapes, computers diskettes, paper and pen. Individuals who require reasonable accommodation to access facilities, programs or services should contact either the: 1) County department providing the facility, program or service and advise the department's designated ADA Liaison of the individual's needs; or 2) Solano County Department of Human Resources, Risk Management Division at (707) 421-6170 who will direct you to the appropriate department representative. Solano County employees who require reasonable accommodation should refer to the Solano County Employment Discrimination Policy and Complaint Procedure. | ![]() | COMPLAINT PROCEDURE | The County encourages members of the public with complaints regarding access to a facility, program or service to attempt to informally resolve those complaints with the ADA Liaison for the individual department providing the facility, program or service. In the event a complaint cannot be resolved informally, a complaint regarding access to County programs, services, or activities may be filed in writing or on a Solano County Public Access Complaint Form with Solano County Risk Management Division at the following address: Department of Human Resources Risk Management Division 675 Texas Street, Suite 1800 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 784-6170 Complaints should contain the name and address of the person denied equal access and describe the alleged violation of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the remedy the person believes is appropriate. A complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days after the complainant becomes aware, or should have become aware of the alleged violation. An investigation, as may be appropriate, may follow the filing of a complaint. The investigation will be conducted by the Risk Management Division, or may be delegated to the appropriate County department for a departmental investigation. A written determination as to the validity of the complaint and description of the resolution if appropriate, shall be issued by the Risk and Safety Officer or designee and a copy forwarded to the complainant and the affected department within 30 working days. The Department of Human Resources, Risk Management Division shall maintain the files and records relating to the complaint. In the event the complainant is not satisfied with the results of the investigation and resolution conducted by the Risk and Safety Officer or his or her designee, the complainant may appeal the decision within 10 calendar days to the County Administrator. The County Administrator or his or her designee shall review the matter on appeal and render a decision within 30 working days. The decision of the County Administrator or his or her designee shall be final. Filing a complaint with Solano County does not preclude a complainant from filing a complaint or seeking relief from any other federal or state agency with jurisdiction over such matters. | ![]() | | |
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