The California Work Opportunity & Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program provides cash assistance and supportive services to families with dependent children. Program services include job search and job skills training, childcare, assistance with education, and connection to community resources. Additional program components include Welfare-to-Work, Homeless Assistance and CalLearn  

 Existing Clients

How to Apply

Program Guide



Cal-Learn is a program designed to encourage and assist pregnant and parenting teens to remain in and graduate from high school. All participants must be on CalWORKs (TANF). The program provides counseling and support services, including childcare, to pregnant/parenting teens who are under the age of 19, or under age 20 and already in Cal-Learn prior to age 19.

Housing Support Program

The purpose of the CalWORKs Housing Support Program (HSP) is to promote housing stability for homeless families in the CalWORKs program. The program has the goal of assisting homeless families in obtaining and retaining permanent housing. Additionally, HSP provides wrap-around supports to these families to foster housing retention. While receiving assistance from CalWORKs HSP, the client continues to be subject to normal participation requirements according to their HSP case plan.