| | |  | Architectural Services | | | | | Can you tell me who I can sell my service to? Firms seeking to provide services or products other than architectural/construction should contact the Purchasing Department in General Services.
How can I bid on a project? You can go on line to the Department of General Services web page on www.solanocounty.com under Notices and Solicitations. If the requested project information is not posted on the website, you may contact General Services at their main number 707.784.7908.
How can I get on the list as an “interested” bidder? You would want to submit a letter of interest and include the specific project that you are interested in, any off the shelf marketing materials, contact information including an email address. Once submitted we encourage you to check the website for status updates. . Any changes to contact information should be submitted to Architectural Services.
How can I view the plan holders list? The plans and addenda can be viewed on PlanWell.com. Please follow these instructions to access these documents:
1. Go to planwell.com
2. Click on ""enterprise login"" which is below the PlanWell logo on the upper left hand side of the web page.
3. Select BPS Reprographic Services from the drop down list and click ""Go""
4. If you receive any window prompts answer all questions in the affirmative
5. On the ''Digital Document Management & Distribution'' page scroll down to the lower left quadrant of the page and find the title ""Public Plan room"" in bold. Below that title click on ""Go""
6. On the ''Public Plan room'' page enter ""SCNPH"" in the ""find"" box and click ""go""
7. Click on ""SCNPH"" If the requested project information is not posted on the website, you should contact the Architectural Services division 707.784.7908.
I have a question about an Environmental study, who do I talk to? Please contact Architectural Services for more information
I need to speak with a specific person in Architectural Services can you connect me please? Please contact the Architectural Services office assistant at 707.784.7908.
What do architectural services do? Architectural Services oversees projects of County-owned or County-leased spaces only. Inquiries regarding private residences should be redirected as appropriate.
Where can I find district or city projects? Callers should be directed to the appropriate jurisdiction for information if project is not a County project.
Where can I find the Solano County 5-Year Capital Facilities Improvement Plan? Www.solanocounty.com, general services, notices and solicitations and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Where can I get a list of bid documents? You can obtain the list from the Solano County website, general services, notices and solicitations, and then locate the project you want and select the bid documents.
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