Self-Assessment Questionnaires

The Control Self-Assessment Questionnaires are provided as a simple set of yes/no questions to assist management and staff in evaluating if adequate controls are in place and operating effectively for basic financial transaction cycles.

Departments can download and complete the attached questionnaires on their own and quickly have a sense if basic controls exist within a particular process.  The questions are generally structured so that "yes" answers indicate a control strength and "no" answers indicate a potential weakness, however, it is not anticipated that all answers will be "yes" even if controls are adequate.

The questionnaires may be utilized in any number of ways by managers and staff.  For instance, the questionnaires may be completed as part of formal departmental process or used informally on an as needed basis in performance of normal duties.  Either way we encourage you to utilize these tools in achieving strong internal controls.


Capital Assets

Revenue & Receivables Governmental Funds
Revenue & Receivables Proprietary Funds
Expenditure & Accounts Payable