Wage & Insurance Verification

Information provided on a wage verification helps Solano Child Support Services (Solano DCSS) locate non-custodial parents, determine earnings to establish a child support amount, verify employment, union membership and availability of health insurance.  Under federal and state laws, employers are required to provide the information promptly and as fully as possible. Solano DCSS and its staff are restricted by law from using this information for anything other than enforcement of child support.

Employment Separation

If the employee leaves employment for any reason, you must notify the  Solano DCSS promptly (no later than the next pay date). Please complete the Notification of Termination of Employment attached to the Income Withholding Order with the date of separation as well as the employee’s last known home address and new employer, if known, and mail it to Solano DCSS:

Solano County DCSS
675 Texas St. STE 5700
Fairfield, CA 94533

If the employee returns to work, you must reinstate the Income Withholding Order immediately.  Please notify Solano DCSS with the date of return by calling  1-866-901-3212 (follow the prompts for employers) and enter the employee’s Social Security number to be routed to Solano DCSS.