| | | Solano County Community Indicators
First 5 Solano annually reviews community indicators that look at the relative health and well-being of young children and their families in Solano County.To better understand how Solano children are faring, many community indicators are compared to the rates at the state and neighboring counties. In addition, where possible, community indicators are broken down by different sub-populations to determine whether some sub-populations were faring differently than the general population. Data sources for community indicators varied, but published data sources were used to enable continued monitoring of trends over time. Community Impact First 5 Solano invests in programs and supports that address children’s health and well-being, early care and education, and family supports. First 5 Solano measures its impact utilizing a Results Based Accountability Framework, which measures: 
Explore First 5 Solano's Community Indicators and Community Impact Here
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