| | | WIC Program | ![]() .png) Customer Satisfaction Survey Link: https://solanocounty.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rD8V1nquCZVtky | What is WIC?  | WIC is the Women, Infants and Children Supplemental Nutrition Program for income-eligible pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding women and children under the age of five who have a nutritional need. WIC is a federally-funded program, administered by the California Department of Health Services. Apply for WIC online (English) (Spanish) Alert! Infant Formula Availability and Powder Formula Recall Information The impact of the ongoing pandemic and the recent 2022 Abbott recall of certain powdered formulas has led to periodic infant formula shortages for all consumers, including WIC families. More information for WIC families on infant formula availability can be found at the California WIC Infant Formula Availability webpage. Certain lot numbers of Similac, Similac PM 60/40, Alimentum and EleCare powdered formulas have been recalled. Check the lot number on the bottom of your formula to see if your formula needs to be returned. If you have recalled formula, do NOT use it. Return it to the store or call the manufacturer at 800-986-8540 for replacement. Find out more about the recall at the Abbott Recall webpage . How can I find formula I need at the store? · Call the store directly and ask if the formula you need is available or when they will get some. · Families on WIC should use formula benefits early. You may have to make more trips to the store. The store may limit how many cans of formula that can be bought at one time. · Ask WIC or a health care provider for guidance on alternative formulas you could use. Below are formula locator sites: https://www.enfamil.com/store-locator/ https://www.similac.com/where-to-buy-similac.html CDPH formula information can be found here: https://cdph.ca.gov/formula Learn about more options for you and your family at: https://www.hhs.gov/formula | | |
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