| | | Nutrition Services Program Description .png) Customer Satisfaction Survey Link: https://solanocounty.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0rD8V1nquCZVtky | | |  Nutrition Services emphasizes community-wide health promotion and disease prevention. Nutrition Services staff develop systems that address nutrition needs throughout the life cycle. Nutrition Services staff are advocates for the needs of vulnerable groups, particularly low-income women in their child-bearing years, young children, and individuals with acute or chronic diseases. A broad range of nutrition interventions and activities are provided. | Announcements Twice a month, the Food Bank distributes free produce in a location near you. - Bring one or two bags with handles.
- Must be present to receive produce.
- One person per household.
For details, locations and income guidelines for the Community Produce Program, click on the link below. Community Produce Program For details on the Senior Meals Program, click on the link below. Meals on Wheels Solano County | | |
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