| | | Delta Conveyance Project Delta Conveyance Project Draft Environmental Impact Report
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has been studying the idea of an isolated conveyance system through or around the Delta since the Peripheral Canal project in the 1970s. More recently, DWR prepared environmental impact documents for the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) and the subsequent California WaterFix. These latter versions of Delta Conveyance consisted of twin tunnels under the Delta. The currently proposed Delta Conveyance Project is a single “Delta Tunnel”, isolated Delta Conveyance Project.
DWR released the Delta Tunnel draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for review on July 27, 2022 for a 90-day comment period. DWR has extended the comment period, which now closes December 16, 2022. The purpose of the DEIR is to evaluate and disclose the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project and alternatives and also identifies associated feasible mitigation measures that avoid, minimize, or offset any significant impacts. The proposed Delta Conveyance Project is to construct an underground tunnel that bypasses the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta by diverting water from the Sacramento River north of the Delta and conveys it to the current State Water Project facilities at Bethany Reservoir for export.
Links to the DEIR documents and other related information is below: - Delta Conveyance Project DEIR
- DWR's Delta Conveyance Project Webpage for Information and Comment
- A Century of Delta Conveyance Plans and History
- Delta Counties Coalition (DCC) – Delta Tunnel presentations
- Solano County Board of Supervisors Resolution in Support of DCC Efforts on Safeguarding the Delta
- California Major Reservoir and Conveyance Facilities Map
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Map
- DWR Tunnel Impacts Map and Myths Fact Sheet
- Template Resolution for ensuring the Health and Sustainability of the Delta
- Template DEIR Comment letter
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