| | | January: “Rained In!” “When life gives you rain, play in the puddles!” It can be a challenge to keep kids active, especially during the rainy months. Don’t let the damp forecast rain on your parade! Whether you’re inside or outside, there are more ways than one to have some fun! Have a dance party! Turn up the tunes and play some music, or get out some instruments and make your own! Dance and music are great ways to keep your child mentally and physically active, but most of all, be silly and have some fun! Have an indoor scavenger hunt - a rainy day is a great time to have an adventure inside. Create a map together or move from clue to clue. Lead your child to a healthy snack or a fun surprise! And make sure to use your imagination! University of Rochester: Indoor Physical Activity Ideas for Kids! Suit up with boots, raincoats, and warm socks then go outside! Twirl your umbrella; splash in the puddles; do your best impressions of ducks, frogs, and fish! When you come inside, swap out the chilly rain gear for a warm bath or a cup of soup! GoExploreNature: 10 Ideas for Getting Outside on Rainy Days Remember it’s important to reduce screen time. There is a direct link between the use of technology and childhood obesity. Also, more than 2 hours of screen time makes kids twice as likely to develop attention deficit issues. Additional Observances: National Birth Defects Prevention Month, National Family Fit Lifestyle Month.   |
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