| | | Public Health Nurses
Who we are: Public health nurses are Registered Nurses with advanced training and education to provide health care to the community in a variety of settings. What we do: Public Health Nurses assess and educate individuals and communities to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce risks that cause disease, disability and premature death. Services are provided in the home, clinic or community setting to persons of all ages and backgrounds. Our services: Nurse home visits for health monitoring and advice Mother/Baby Visits Other Health Visits
Connect to Resources Public Health Nurses link adults and families to available services throughout the county: - Medi-Cal, Medicare and other health insurances
- Medical/Dental/Vision Care
- Immunizations/Flu Clinics
- Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program
- Nutritional Counseling
- Basic Needs Resources (housing, food and clothing)
- Substance Abuse Services
- Counseling Services
- Domestic Violence Services
- Anger Management
- Older Adult Resources
- Car seat Safety
- Safety in the Home
- Social Services
- Financial Assistance
- Lead poisoning Prevention
- Foster Care
- Transportation resources
Public Health Nursing also partners with the following programs, to ensure families are recieving the services they need:
Public Health Nursing Pamphlet English / Spanish
Contact Us
To speak to someone about Public Health Nursing services: 1-877-680-2229
To fax a referral to Solano County Public Health Nursing: 707-784-2229
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