| | | Microchip 
Fee: $25
When your pet gets lost, they can become frightened. Occasionally causing them to dash into dangerous, unfamiliar territories. This often means the ID tags may fall off in the chaos. If someone finds your pet, and they bring them to a shelter or vet. They can perform a simple scan of their microchip and get vital information. This includes the pet’s name, your name, your address and phone number, as well as other crucial information. Without a microchip, if their ID collar is lost, it can become near-impossible for rescuers to identify your pet. |  |  | Microchips can be purchased during regular business hours and walk-ins welcome. Microchips are used to help reunite owners with their lost pets. Microchips are about the size of a grain of rice and are usually implanted behind the shoulder. It is extremely important to update the microchip information with current information (address and phone number). Here at the shelter, we can scan your pet or a found pet for free any time we are open. Our microchips are provided by FoundAnimals.org. | We're located at: 2510 Clay Bank Road Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone (707) 784-1356 Fax (707) 784-1353
Tuesdays-Fridays: 10AM to 6PM Saturdays: 9AM to 5PM
Closed Daily 1PM to 2PM Closed on Sundays, Mondays & County Holidays
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