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Inspectors perform compliance activities to ensure safe working conditions, proper use of personal protective equipment, and training for employees who work with or around pesticides.
Training for employees who handle pesticides:
California Code of Regulations Section 6724 requires employers to assure that employees who handle pesticides have been trained prior to handling pesticides and annually thereafter. Employers are required to have a written training program and individual training records for each employee handling pesticides.
What do you need to fulfill this requirement?
1. Qualified person to give training. A qualified person (i.e., Certified Private Applicator, Qualified Applicator License, etc.) must conduct training for agricultural employees (both production and non-production agriculture).
2. A written training program - Written Training Program for Pesticide Handlers
3. Pesticide labels and safety data sheets for the pesticides that will be applied
4. Pesticide Safety Information Series (Can be found in English, Spanish, Hmong, and Punjabi)
5. Documentation of training. Training must be given at least once a year, and before an employee uses new pesticides
Pesticide Safety Training Record (English) (Spanish)
Field Worker Training:
California Code of Regulations Section 6764 requires employers to assure that each employee assigned to work in a treated field (30 days plus the Restricted Entry Interval) has been trained in the last year, in a manner the employee understands, before beginning work in the treated field.
Field Worker Training Program
Respiratory Protection Program:
California Code of Regulations Section 6739 requires employers to assure that employees use approved respiratory equipment in any workplace where respirators are required by label, restricted material permit condition, regulation or employer.
Useful resources to comply with this regulation:
1. Voluntary Respirator Posting (English) (Spanish)
2. Respiratory Requirement Chart
3. Respiratory Written Program Template
Medical Supervision Program:
California Code of Regulations Section 6728 requires employers to provide medical supervision, including periodic cholinesterase blood tests for employees that mix, load or apply organophosphate or N-methyl carbamate pesticides that have the signal word Danger or Warning, the pesticides are used on agricultural products, and the employees use these pesticides for more than 6 days in a 30-day period.
Useful resources to comply with this regulation:
1. Medical Supervision Written Agreement
2. More information from DPR
Archived Continuing Education Presentations:
These are some of the presentations from some previous CE classes.
Unmanned Aircraft in Agriculture by Brandon Stark (given at the Nov. 17th 2016 CE Class)
Worker Protection Standard 2017 updates by Alicia Scott of DPR (given at all CE Classes)
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