APS is responsible for the investigation of all reports of known or suspected abuse or neglect of elders and/or dependent adults when the abuse occurs outside of long-term-care facilities, a state hospital or state developmental center.
An elder and dependent adult is defined as:
- persons 18 to 59 years old, or aged 60 or older who is suspected of being abused or neglected
- is vulnerable to abuse for a variety of reasons such as developmental disabilities, mental illness, physical limitations or medical issues
Types of abuse include:
- physical
- sexual
- abandonment
- isolation
- financial
- neglect
- self-neglect
- mental suffering
Reporting adult abuse
Reports to APS may be made by anyone who has knowledge of or suspects abuse to the victim (for example relative, friend, and neighbor), or a mandated reporter. Most people who work with elders or disabled adults are mandated reports under state law. To determine whether you are a mandated reporter, please review Welfare and Institution Code Section 15630, which reads in part:
“Any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for care or custody of an elder or dependent adult, whether or not that person receives compensation, including administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a public or private facility that provides care or services for elder or dependent adults, or any elder or dependent adult care custodian, health practitioner, or employee of a county adult protective services agency or a local law enforcement agency is a mandated reporter.”
Non-mandated reporters may make anonymous reports, but are encouraged to give their name and telephone number to provide information to the social worker during the investigation if needed. There is no financial eligibility criteria.
What to report
Mandated reporters are required to report physical and sexual abuse, abandonment, isolation, financial abuse, neglect and self-neglect.
Officers and employees of financial institutions are mandated to report suspected financial abuse.
When reports should be made
Reports are to be made when mandated reporters:
- have witnessed an incident,
- have been told of an incident, or
- reasonably suspect that abuse has occurred.
How to make a report
Mandated reporters are required to report an incident of known or suspected abuse in one of the following ways:
By telephone, call: (707) 784-8259 or (800) 850-0012
Social Workers are on duty to take emergency calls after hours.
In addition to an immediate phone call, mandated reporters must submit a written report within 2 working days on the State of California form Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Abuse for financial institutions SOC 341 or Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder Financial Abuse SOC 342.
The SOC 341 and SOC 342 may be faxed to (707) 784-2440.
To make an online report, go to: https://solano.leapsportal.net/LEAPSIntake/NewPublicIntakeReport.aspx.