Maternal Child & Adolescent Health (MCAH) is now accepting referrals for all of its programs through one centralized referral line. To make a referral, download the MCAH Confidential Referral Form and fax the referral to 707-784-2229.
MCAH Central Referral Form
There is no need to remember all the different services MCAH offers!
All our programs support moms, children and families. If you are unsure where to refer the client, please fill out the comments section in detail so we are able to determine which service is most appropriate for the clients. Send the referral to us, and we will match them to a program that best meets their needs.
Using the Confidential Referral Form, you can make referrals to any of the MCAH programs below:
- Adolescent Family Life Program Positive Youth Development
- BabyFirst Solano Prenatal Care Guidance
- Black Infant Health
- Child Health & Disability Prevention
- Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
- Family Strengthening Partnership
- Healthy Families America
- Nurse-Family Partnership
- Public Health Nursing
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Tips for Faster Referral Processing:
- Ask for client’s verbal or written consent.
- If you are unsure which program to refer the client, fill out the comments section in detail and leave the programs unchecked.
- Complete all questions on the form. If the answer is not applicable, please mark N/A on the field.
Thank you for doing your part in supporting Solano County mothers, children and families live healthy, productive lives!
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