| | | Permanent Food Facilities 
A permanent food facility operates in a permanently constructed structure, used for the purpose of storing, preparing, serving, manufacturing, packaging, or otherwise handling food at the retail level. All permanent food facilities are required to pay an annual permit fee and are subject to Solano County Environmental Health's Risk Based Inspection Program. | Food Safety Certification | All food handlers shall obtain a food handler card within 30 days after the date of hire and maintain a valid card for the duration of their employment. In addition, food facilities that prepare, handle, or serve nonprepackaged potentially hazardous food shall have an owner or employee who is food safety certified. Use the following for information on how to fulfill these requirements: Food Handler & Manager Information and Food Manager Training and Test Providers. |
Applications and plans shall be either mailed or dropped off to the following department: | Department of Resource Management Environmental Health Division 675 Texas Street, Suite 5500 Fairfield, CA 94533 (707) 784-6765 | Incomplete plans will not be accepted for review. Plan review may take up to 20 business days. Online Payments may be submitted; an invoice or permit number is not required to complete payments. To make an appointment, please call the main office at (707) 784-6765 or visit this link here. | |
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