Mission Statement

About the Organization

Solano County Health and Social Services Department was created by the Board of Supervisors in 1992. The Department program areas include behavioral health services, social services, public health, medical services, and administrative services. HSS has a $515 million-dollar annual operating budget with more than 1,400 employees working throughout Solano County.

The mission of Solano County Health and Social Services Department is to promote healthy, safe and stable lives.

The Department's vision is for a healthy, safe and stable community.

The values of Health & Social Services are:

  • Diversity
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Fairness
  • Transparency
  • Equity
  • Responsiveness

Land Acknowledgment

HSS acknowledges the land on which we are gathered. For thousands of years, this land has been the home of the Native American tribes of the Suisune, the Patwin of the Wintun tribes, Miwuk, Karkin Ohlone, Yoche Dehe, and the countless other California tribes that are the original stewards of this land. We honor Solano County’s ancestral grounds. We recognize the history of genocide and continued inequities experienced by the Native American People in Solano County. The forced cessation of Native Americans on this land is an open wound. We would like to acknowledge the displacement and lost lives due to colonization and ongoing disparities. We honor those who have passed and those who continue to maintain the traditions of this vibrant culture that benefit us today.

Pronunciation Guide:
  • Suisune - Sis-SOON-ee
  • Patwin - PUT-win
  • Wintun - Win-TUN
  • Miwuk - ME-wuk
  • Karkin Ohlone - Kar-KEEN Oh-lone-EE
  • Yoche Dehe - Yo-CHA De-HEE