| | | Campaign/Candidate Finance FilingsInformation for all filing forms (410, 460, 501, 470, 700, etc.)
To File Campaign Finance Forms
Campaign/Committee Filers – Electronically file your contributions and expenditures with eCampaign
City Filers – File with your City Clerk
State Filers – File with the California Secretary of State CalAccess
Federal Filers – File with the Federal Elections Commission
To File Disclosure Documents (form 700)
File electronically with eDisclosure
To setup an account, click here to contact your filing official.
View Filed Form 700s.
Form 700 Information from FPPC
Conflict of Interest Code information
To Request an eCampaign Login
With eCampaign, committees can enter expenditures and contributions in near-real time. eCampaign will then pull together all activity during a specified time and generate a complete Form 460 for the committee. The form is then digitally signed by two persons (see exception below) and electronically submitted to the Solano County Registrar of Voters. Unsigned copies may be printed at any time.
To use the eCampaign system, committees must provide a minimum of two unique e-mail addresses*, one from each group below:
· Candidate
· Treasurer
· Principal Officer
· Assistant Treasurer
* For Candidate, Officeholder Controlled Committees, if the candidate is also the treasurer, only one e-mail address is required.
Before you begin you must have received your login ID and password. To get a login ID and password for your committee, contact the Solano County Registrar of Voters office at (707) 784-6675 or complete the eCampaign Login Request form.
Campaign Contribution Limits
The campaign contribution limits for county offices in Solano County is $30,000 per Resolution No. 2022-8.
Refer to the Secretary of State for state offices.
Refer to the City Clerk for city offices.
Public Access to Campaign/Committee Filings
The Public Access Portal contains campaign finance disclosure reports for all filers located or campaigning within Solano County.
For information regarding the Political Reform Act of 1974, filing requirements, filing due dates, forms and manuals, visit the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) at www.fppc.ca.gov.
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