Engineering & Surveyor Forms

Forms for the following permits can be found here:

Assembly Permits
Encroachment Permits
Grading Permits
Security for Oil and Gas Drilling Permits
Vallejo Parking Permits for Carlson Street, Cypress Avenue, and Lemon Street
Transportation Permits
Multi Family Permits Under AB2234

Email Encroachment, Vallejo Parking and Oil and Gas Well Permits to:    [email protected]
Questions Contact: Daniel Santos (707) 784-3155 or Resource Management (707) 784-6765

Email Grading Permits to:    [email protected]
Questions Contact Daniel Santos (707) 784-3155 or Resource Management (707) 784-6765 

Email Transportation Permits to:    transpor[email protected]
Questions Contact: Charlie Palomeras (707) 784-6069    

For Information on Map Checking and Survey Submittals:    [email protected]
Charlie Palomeras (707) 784-6069

All Permits can be faxed to (707) 784-2894
Assembly Permits
Section UL
 Assembly Permit Application, Information, and Conditions 
 Bicycle Event Conditions 
Encroachment Permits
Section UL
 Adopt A Road Special Conditions Adopt-A-Road
 Commercial Driveway Standards 
 Driveway Fire Code Requirements 
 Encroachment Application and Standard Conditions 
 Hold Harmless Adopt-A-Road
 Private Road Signs 
 Residential Driveway Standards 
 Road Maintenance Bond Example 
 Safety Requirements Adopt-A-Road
 Trench Standards 
Fee Schedule
Section UL
 2024-2025 Fee Schedule (Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) 
Grading Permits
Section UL
 Biological Agency Reference Guide 
 Grading Permit Application 
 Grading Permit Requirements 
 Grading Permit Standard Conditions 
 Phase II MS4 General Permit requirements 
 Priority Habitat Areas Map (Figure RS-1) 
Map Check
Section UL
 Certificate of Correction - Instructions 
 Certificate of Correction - Parcel Map/Final Map 
 Certificate of Correction - Record of Survey 
 Corner Record (Submit on cardstock) 
 Parcel Map/Subdivision Map Checklist 
 Record of Survey Checklist 2024 
 Record of Survey Statements 2024 
 ROS Online Payment Instructions 2024 
Multi Family Permits Under AB2234
Section UL
 Multi Family Permit Under AB 2234 
Oil and Gas Well Drilling
Section UL
 Road Maintenance Bond Example 
 Security for Oil and Gas Well Drilling 
Road Impact Fees
Section UL
 English Hills Road Impact Fee - July 2024 
 Major Thoroughfare Area of Benefit Fee - July 2024 
Road Standards and Land Development And Subdivision Requirement
Section UL
 Road Improvement Standards and Land Development Requirements 
 Solano County Subdivision Ordinance 
Transportation Permits
Section UL
 Annual Transportation Permit Application & Conditions 
 Single-trip Transportation Permit Application & Conditions 
Vallejo Parking Permit
Section UL
 Vallejo Parking Permit Application