| | | Access to Behavioral Health Services Welcome to Solano County Behavioral Health General Access page. On this page, you will find information for accessing SCBH services, as well as resources for consumers.  The Solano County Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Cultural Transformation Model (ICCTM) MHSA Innovation Project aims to increase culturally and linguistically appropriate services for County-specific unserved and underserved populations with low mental health services utilization rates identified as; the Latino, Filipino, and LGBTQ+ communities. The project is anchored in community engagement practices and the nationally Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Service (CLAS) Standards. Through the ICCTM project, fourteen (14) quality improvement (QI) action plans were developed by multi-sector community partners highlighting the local community's perspective on culturally appropriate practices that should be integrated into the current local mental health system of care. One of the QI action plans, TRUECare Promoter Roadmap, aims to develop an easy-to-understand, culturally appropriate resource map for the community that will be made available in English, Spanish and Tagalog through a web-based version as well as paper versions.
Interactive Map Instructions Below is the web-based version of the TRUECare Map, which is interactive. To use the interactive map, click on the image below. The English version of the map will open in a new window, but you may select your preferred language by clicking on it in the bottom, right-hand corner. To use the map, click on any of the labeled pin icons; Abuse Support, Crisis, Access, Housing, Support Advocacy, Basic Needs, or Culture Matters. When you click on an icon, a new page will open listing resources that relate to that subject. To return to the main screen/map, click on the "Home" icon in the top, left-hand corner.
If the map does not work when you open it, you may need to download the map and open it from your computer. You can download an interactive version of the map here. You can also try accessing the map on a different internet browser.
Click on your preferred language below to download or print a PDF (non-interactive) version of the TRUECare Roadmap: English Spanish Tagalog
Below are further resources and informing materials about consumer rights and benefits provided within the Solano Mental Health Plan. If you need more information, please call our ACCESS unit at 1-800-547-0495. Nondiscrimination Notice English SpanishTagalogSolano County BHP Member Handbook - Specialty Mental Health Services To see the current Solano County BHP Member Handbook version for Solano County in English, Spanish, or Tagalog, please click here.Solano County MHP Provider Directory To see the current provider directories for Solano County in English or Spanish, please click here.
Notice of Privacy Practices (1 of 2) EnglishSpanishTagalogNotice of Privacy Practices - Health Information Exchange (2 of 2) EnglishSpanishTagalogSolano County HIE Opt-Out Information HIE SacValley MedShare Solano County Opt-Out Poster English Spanish TagalogCombined Consent Information Packet - Behavioral Health Treatment, Telehealth, Email and/or Text EnglishSpanishTagalogConsent Agreement Signature Page English Spanish Tagalog
Intake Forms Acknowledgement of Receipt English Spanish Tagalog
Authorization to Release Medical Information English Spanish TagalogBBS Notice to Clients English Spanish Tagalog For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public. The Open Payments database is a federal tool used to search payments made by drug and device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. It can be found at https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov.
Open Payments Database Notice English Spanish Tagalog
For more information on Patient's Rights and associated informing materials, including our Advanced Directive Fact Sheet and Beneficiary Rights and Problem Resolution Guide, please visit the Patient's Rights webpage by clicking here.
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