| | | BH Housing & Homelessness
ANNOUNCEMENT We are excited to share that on 11/7/23, the Solano County Board of Supervisors approved a multi-year contract for homeless and housing services with Abode Services – one of the Bay Area’s largest providers of housing and services for those experiencing homelessness. Abode will provide street outreach, housing navigation, landlord engagement, subsidy administration, rapid rehousing, forensic respite, and permanent supportive housing services to individuals experiencing behavioral health challenges in Solano County. Abode’s work in the county will run from November 2023 through June 30, 2026.
In the past few years, Solano Behavioral Health has successfully received grants and non-competitive allocations for housing and homeless services to support the needs of those with the most significant mental health and substance use challenges, who often also experience the highest rates of poverty, incarceration, trauma, homelessness, and crisis. This contract will support as many as 800 people per year through six new funding sources, in addition to Medi-Cal reimbursement. Furthermore, the funds will increase housing by providing opportunities to nearly 200 households annually through respite, permanent housing, and rapid rehousing.
Our team coordinates Housing and Homeless initiatives focused on our Behavioral Health population, in coordination with Health and Social Service Divisions, County Departments, Solano Homeless Continuum of Care and other community partners. Our purpose is to promote fully integrated independent living, self-sufficiency and resilience for the people we serve. A few of our projects include: - The HOPE Team (Homeless Outreach Partnership and Engagement) goes to homeless encampments to engage and offers mental health supports, as well as a Street Medicine outreach team with a medical prescriber, clinician, specialist for psychiatric intervention and engagement.
- National, State and Local Housing First Homelessness initiatives, including appointments at the local Housing First Solano Continuum of Care committee and CAP Solano JPA.
- SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network and Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) Grant
- Partnership with Law Enforcement's homeless intervention and community support teams
- MHSA Accessible Resources for the Communities’ Homeless (ARCH) for adults and transition age youth, those who are victims or at-risk of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
- Benefits Support & linkage to General Assistance, Medi-Cal, and CalFresh https://www.solanocounty.com/depts/hss/ees/
- Community housing and residential facility management and rental assistance oversight- this includes Homeless Shelters, Board & Care, Room & Boards vendors.
- Expansion and support for new housing developments and services for those with BH needs.
Email us for general Info: [email protected]

Resource Connect Solano streamlines access to life-changing housing and supportive resources for people in Solano County who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness. Individuals and families receive assessment and referral services to identify housing needs and create linkages to available services. Caminar, a California-based non-profit behavioral health services provider, serves as the operator for the Coordinated Entry System. Contact Resource Connect Solano at 707.652.7311 or email [email protected]
Community Shelters and Resources can be found here. CAP Solano JPA provides oversight and coordination of homeless and safety net services to the residents of Solano County and serves as the conduit for safety net funding support.
Housing First Solano works to end homelessness by:
- Facilitating multi-agency cooperation and coordination
- Connecting persons experiencing homelessness with housing, job, family, and medical resources
- Securing funds from the State of California, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and private organizations to end homelessness
Join various committees, trainings and more by signing up to their email announcements here http://www.housingfirstsolano.org/join-us.html
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