CARE Act starts in Solano on December 1, 2024.

This is a new civil court process to help individuals with untreated mental illness, to reduce homelessness, hospital stays, and incarceration. Referrals are sent as petitions directly to Court. The CARE Act connects a person with a court-ordered Care Plan for up to 24 months. This includes Community-based behavioral health services, housing as available, and support services for 1 year, which can be extended 1 more year.

File a petition:

Solano Legal Access Center
600 Union Ave, Second Floor, Room 205, Fairfield
Appointment, Drop-ins, Email [email protected]
Monday – Thursday

File completed CARE-100 at Solano Court Family Law Division
600 Union Ave, 2nd Floor, Fairfield
Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 3 PM

Access forms:

Judicial Council Forms

NEW! Overview materials:

Solano CARE Act Overview presentation
Solano CARE Act Brochure

Read about the California Health and Human Services CARE Act

Email Solano's CARE Act team for any questions at [email protected]

CARE Act or Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) or Laura's Law

What is the difference?

If you're loved one may not qualify for CARE Act- please review the AOT eligibility requirements here

 CARE Act     AOT/Laura's Law 
 Civil court process          Civil court process  
 Petitions can be filed by more individuals      Petitions can be filed by a narrower group of people
 Petitions are filed directly to the Court  Referrals are sent and petitions are filed by County
 Behavioral Health with the court if necessary
 Narrower eligibility- diagnoses      Wider eligibility- diagnoses
 Voluntary, no forced meds  Voluntary, no forced meds

For any questions, email [email protected]