| | | Substance Use DisordersSubstance Use Disorders Services through Partnership Health Plan:Starting July 1, 2020, Solano County contracts with Partnership Health Plan of California to offer the Medi-Cal ODS Waiver through the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to provide services individuals who meet “medical necessity” for substance use services, meaning: - The individual has an included substance use diagnosis which is serious in nature;
- The individual demonstrates a significant impairment in spheres of functioning (self, home, work/school, peer);
- The intervention/treatment provided will be focused on the substance use condition, and treatment is expected to correct or improve the condition and the individual would not be better served by physical healthcare provider/s
The Department of Health Care Services Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (ODS) Waiver Implementation Plan for Regional Model encompasses 7 counties: Humboldt, Lassen, Mendocino, Modoc, Shasta, Siskiyou, & Solano. There will be a new array of providers and expanded services through Partnership's new Wellness and Recovery Program- more information here
Anyone seeking SUD services can call Carelon directly at 1-855-765-9703
Community Partners:
Solano BH collaborates with Drug Safe Solano which brings together a motivated multidisciplinary team to address opioid addiction issues in our community. Strategies are currently in development to improve opioid addiction, prevention, safety, and treatment efforts.
Furthermore, DSS is a member of the Expanding Medication-Assisted Treatment in the Jails Learning Collaborative that started in August 2018. Members of the collaborative include the Sheriff’s office, the courts, probation, Drug Safe Solano and the County Administrators office.

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