Fee Schedule

Below is a complete listing of 2024-2025 fees.

Sheriff Fee FY 2024-2025

Title Fee Authority FY 24/25
Automobile Levy (does not include other service fees and 3rd-party costs) GC 26722 125 plus
applicable service
fees and third party
Bench Warrant (Failure to Appear on Order of Exam) GC 26744 50.00
Bench Warrant (Failure to Appear on Subpoena or Court Order) GC 26744.5 175.00
Cancellation of any service before or after an attempt GC 26736 50.00
Claim of Defendant GC 26721 50.00
Claim of Plaintiff & Order GC 26721 50.00
Execution Bank Levy GC 26721 50.00
Execution EWO & EWO-Support  GC 26750 45.00
Execution Third Party Levy GC 26721 50.00
Keeper 8 Hour GC 26722 GC 26726(a) 175.00 plus 50/day
continously maintaining levy
after 1st day
Miscellaneous Orders GC 26721 50.00
Not Found on Summons GC 26721.2(c) 50.00
Not Found on Writs, Orders, Notices GC 26738 50.00
Notary Fees GC 8211 15.00
Notice to Quit GC 26721 50.00
Order of Examination GC 26721 50.00
Order to Show Cause GC 26721 50.00
OSC/Temporary Restraining Order GC 26721 50.00
Eviction Possession, Possession, Writ for Real Property GC 26733.5 105.00
Prejudgment Claim of Right  GC 26721.1 GC 26720.9 50.00
Real/personal Property Sale (does not include other fees and 3rd party costs) GC 26730 110.00 plus applicable service
fees and third party costs
Removal of Occupant from Premises GC 26733.5 75.00
Reposting Writ for Real Property GC 26733.5 GC 26721 GC 26720.9 50.00
Subpoena/Subpoena Duces Tecum GC 26721 50.00
Summons & Complaint  GC 26721.1 GC 26720.9 50.00
Summons & Complaint/Unlawful Detainer GC 26721.1 GC 26720.9 50.00
Summons & Petition GC 26721 50.00
Till Tap GC 26722 125.00
Writ of Attachment (does not include other service fees and 3rd-party costs) GC 26721 50.00 plus applicable
service fees and third party costs
Writ of Possession (Claim and Delivery) Does not include other service fees and 3rd party costs. GC 26722 125.00 plus applicable third party costs
Body Transport and Storage GC 27472, GC 54985(a) 310.00
Storage Costs/Fee (per day) GC 27472, GC 54985(a) 7.00 per day
Security Fee for Inmate Marriage Cal. Const. art XI sec 7 306.00
Transportation of  Inmate (Transport to inmate's personal Doctor) PC 4023 $132 plus $130/Deputy per
Copy Fee  GC 267727 1.25
Copy Fee - each additional page GC 26727 .20
Audio/Visual Processing Xal. Const. art. XI sec 7 9.00
Firearm Administrative Fee PC 33880(a) 147.00
Firearm Daily Storage Fee PC 33880(a) 1.00
Bingo license PC 326.5(l)(1) 50.00
Business License County Code 14-19  119.00
Clearance letter - no criminal history Cal. Const. art. XI sec 7 17.00
Concealed weapon permit - Amend/Replace PC 26190(e) 30.00
Concealed weapon permit, renewal PC 26190(c) and (d) 75.00
Concealed weapon permit. PC 26190(b) and (d) 225.00
Fingerprinting PC 13300(e) 59.00
Mug shots PC 11105.6 13.00
Report vehicle repossession GC 26751  15.00
Research (subpoena) (per 15 minutes) Evid Code 1563(b)(1) 6.00 EVERY 15 MINUTES PLUS ANY APPLICABLE ACTUAL POSTAGE
Second hand dealer  (2 year fee) Bus. & Prof. Code 21641 91.00
Vehicle release fee Vehicle Code 22850.5 340.00