Business Licenses

The Department of Resource Management (707-784-6765) issues business licenses for businesses located in the unincorporated area of Solano County.
If your business is located within the incorporated areas (city limits) of Solano County, please use the following contacts:

    City of Benicia -  (707) 266-7059  
    City of Dixon - (707) 678-7000 
    City of Fairfield - (707) 428-7509 
    City of Rio Vista - (707) 374-2205 
    City of Suisun City - (707) 421-7320  
    City of Vacaville - (707) 449-5185  
    City of Vallejo - (707) 302-6074 

The Solano County Code Chapter 14 BUSINESS LICENSES defines the requirements, application processing and exemptions.  Solano County Code section 14-17 Exemptions states:

(a)    A service provider who does not have a fixed place of business in the unincorporated area of the county, and who has a valid business license issued by any California city or county, is exempt from this chapter.

(b)    All agricultural or viticultural businesses that produce agricultural commodities including feedstock, nursery stock, produce, livestock, dairy or poultry (or their products) shall be exempt from the requirements of obtaining a business license under this chapter unless any of the products sold are not grown or produced by the business on the premises within Solano County which is controlled by the producer. Agricultural businesses engaged exclusively in wholesale are exempt from a business license requirement.

Unincorporated area of Solano County

Before a business license application can be accepted, the applicant must check the zoning of the business site to see if it allows for the proposed use and business activities.  You can call the Planning Services Division at (707) 784-6765 and speak with the Planner on Duty to check your business site zoning, allowable uses, and if the proposed business will require a Business License Zoning Clearance or Land Use Permit approval.  Zoning Clearance and Permit Applications can be submitted online; contact the Planner on Duty for assistance if needed.  Once your Zoning Clearance or Permit has been approved, the Business License Coordinator will contact you with information to submit a Business License Application.

The Zoning Ordinance allows some small businesses to operate out of single family residences, provided several conditions can be satisfied relating to client visits, on-site sales, signage, and storage.